Why I Picked Up Everything in Less Than Two Weeks to Move to NYC

Hello beautiful people,

Happy Monday! A new week, full of endless possibilities.


That’s exactly what I thought on July 11th when my (amazing, supportive, loving, kind honest, adventures) boyfriend and I decided we were going to pack up our lives, and move to The Big Apple. We left on the 2oth.

And here we are, in Kearny, NJ actually, figuring out our lives, together.

I always say, “I know nothing about nothing and less every day!”

It is funny, really. When we decided to come here we had a better plan about our lives than we do now. But that subject is it’s own post entirely.

This blog post is to explain why on earth we decided to move from West Texas, to New York City.

As many of you know, when I turned 18 (almost a year ago) I decided I was going to pursue a career in modeling. While that has been a dream of mine for a long time, and I was actually agented at one time (age 15), I never really thought modeling was a realistic dream.

When you go to school, at least the schools I attended, if you said you dreamed of being anything other than something a college degree could assure you, you were not taken seriously… You were probably laughed at, gocked at, told you were stupid, etc. by the majority of the kids AND teachers/counselors. You were told you needed a “realistic” job. HA!!!

***SIDE NOTE: You can be or do anything in this world you want, you just have to do it. Nothing comes easy, you have to work hard. But if you do it, if you WANT IT, you can make it happen. But again, that is a completely different post on its own.***

Luckily for me, I have very supportive parents who encouraged me to follow my dreams.

I signed with a mother agency, Grace Model Management. A mother agency is basically a model manager, who teaches you, guides you, and places you with a bigger agency that will actually find you work. So, they help you become a successful model.

For months now I have been developing my portfolio, preparing to be sent off to an international agency, and begin my career.

Well, my book needed some more work. The photos i have, as beautiful as they are, are not exactly the styles Agencies like to see.

So, I decided that,in order to build my book and get the pictures I need, I would have to leave my little Texas town, and where better to find talented photographers, than NYC?

My mother agent also thought it was a good idea, so here I am.

In New York.

Learning about my self.

Chasing a dream.

Mainly learning, though.

“Be brave with your life,” that’s what we are doing. Being brave with our life.

I encourage you to do the same.

Lots of love,


2 responses to “Why I Picked Up Everything in Less Than Two Weeks to Move to NYC”

  1. Keep chasing your dreams, I love watching the process my dear. The world is yours!!

  2. Laurel M Stonebraker Avatar
    Laurel M Stonebraker

    I LOVE this post!! I’m so so proud of you, Autumn. And it is so inspiring to see and read about someone who literaly is following her dreams no matter what setbacks or obstacles. You’re amazing.

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