October 2017 Tarot Reading Horoscope

ARIES: March 21- April 19

The three cards that came up for you are; Temperance- a card of healing, Father of Wands- a card of charisma, and Seven of Swords- a card of self interest. This spread asks you to be vulnerable and authentic this month.
October is bringing you strength, and it is much needed. Sometimes strength is a concept, rather than a state of being. In this case, strength is coming from your ability to express yourself. Honesty and clarity are needed in order for you to flourish this month. If there is something you have been putting off, or avoiding, it is time to real with yourself. Perhaps you have been putting off your healing process, covering it up by an illusion of well being. This spread is asking you to take the pause you have so desperately been craving. Spend some time in nature. Allow yourself to heal and recover. You will walk away from this month a better (truer) version of yourself.

TAURUS: April 20- May 20

The three cards that came up for you are; Daughter of Wands- a card representing a visionary, 5 of Wands- a card of scattered energy, and Nine of Wands- a card of stamina. An all wand spread! This spread asks you to hone in on what you are truly passionate about.
It is clear that you are exuding a lot of energy right now. You have a lot going on, and you are working extremely hard towards your goals. October is a month for you to be picky about what you are focusing on. There needs to be a balance in work and down time. Be proud of yourself, and all you have already accomplished. All though this is just the beginning for you and your new found passion, you have already come so far- honor that! Stay focused on your main goal, and try to be aware of where your thought patterns lead you. This is not a time for negative self talk. Hone in on your positivity, creativity, and allow yourself to thrive.

GEMINI: May 21- June 20

The three cards that came up for you are; The Moon- a card of dreams and fears, The Hermit, a card of solitude, and Judgment- a card of forgiveness. The spread asks you to rise above.
It is clear you have been burdened by anxieties lately. If you have been trapped in your own head, and it is time to free yourself. You need to spend more time alone, more time in nature, and more time escaping your thoughts. If you have been holding anger, it is time to let it go. Forgiveness will be a huge part of your  healing. Let go of excuses and old thought patterns that have been holding you in the same place. You do not need to be scared, you are craving freedom- a release from your mind. Plan some down time, what is your favorite form of meditation? Make some time for it.

CANCER: June 21- July 22

The three cards that came up for you are; Two of cups- a card of connection, Death- a card of closure, and Justice- a card of decisions. This spread asks you to let go in order to receive.
If you have been struggling to make a decision, this month is the perfect time to finally decide. What is it that you need to let go of? You are seeking closure. It is time to end on story so you can start a brand new one- one that promises a deep connection. If love is what you are craving, you need to follow your intuition, not your head, not your heart. Spend some time alone with your thoughts. What do you notice? This is time to invite meditation into your life. Spend time outside. You need to reconnect to your intuition in order to release the heaviness you have been carrying.

LEO: JULY 23- August 22

The three cards that came up for you are; Ten of Cups- a card of radiant energy, Son of Cups- a card of art and introspection, and The Empress- a card of creation. This spread asks you to allow yourself to shine.
There is so much abundant creative energy surrounding you this month, so tap into that! Dive into your art, and allow yourself to be carried by your passion. You have been looking inward for a while, and now it is time for you to use all the information you have gathered to create. Allow yourself to love more, and spend some time in nature to nurture your creative side. Believe in yourself and your ability to create amazing art. You are powerful, doubt does not serve you. It is your time to shine.

VIRGO: August 23- September 22

The three cards that came up for you are- Son of Pentacles- a card of dedication, Eight of Wands- a card of sudden change, and Two of Pentacles- a card of balance. This spread asks you to find balance in a time of transitioning energy.
October is going to bring you change and clarity. There is going to be a shift in your life, but it is for the better. You might receive conformation on a new job, or come to a conclusion about an awaited move. Either way, stay grounded and trust the process. Focus your energy on what is going right in your life, and allow that to be what carries you. Know that everything is going to be ok. You might have to work extra hard, or put in a little more effort, but that is ok. You will be carried.

LIBRA: September 23- October 22

The three card that came up for you are; Eight of Cups- a card of stagnation, Three of Wands- a card of future self, and Daughter of Wands- a card representing a visionary. This spread asks you to rely on yourself.
You have been very reliant on others to help you find your way, which can be good and helpful, but it is time to find your own voice. Walk away from any situation that is no longer serving your highest self. What do you want to do? What truly aligns with what you want to do in this world? Are you living by that? If not, it is time to make a change. Step into your true self, your true power, and your true presence. This spread really wants you to soul search, to spend more time getting to know you.

SCORPIO- October 23- November 21

The three cards that came up for you are; Six of Pentacles- a card of growth, The Star- a card of hopes and wishes, and Four of Wands- a card of celebration. This spread asks you to reap the benefits of the abundance you have manifested.
This is a beautiful month of peace and abundance for you. Expect nothing but good things. You have put out such a pure and positive energy, and it is coming back to you full circle. Be prepared to be generous, as you are going to receive more than you need. Also treat yourself, and celebrate your successes. You should be proud of the manifestations you have made tangible. Spend some time in nature, and recharge. Keep yourself in this receptive mode, it is a beautiful place to be.

Sagittarius: November 22- December 21

The three cards the came up for you are; The Devil- a card of negative energy, Ten of Pentacles- a card of abundance, and Nine of Wands- a card of strength. This spread asks you to be aware and transcend.
This month is a time to become aware of your thoughts. If you have been consumed with negativity you need to let it go. In order to receive everything you want, you have to be in a positive place. Be honest with yourself. What can you do in this moment to make yourself feel better? Do it. Once you get yourself in the receiving mode abundance will flow to you. Find your confidence and run with that. Look at how far you have already come on your path. Its natural to feel down sometimes, but don’t let it consume you.

Capricorn: December 22- January 19

The three cards that came up for you are; Eight of Swords- a card of feeling trapped, Seven of Swords- a card of illusion, and Three of Pentacles, a card of determination. This spread asks you to do some introspection.
You might find yourself in a situation that is not most desirable. Instead of blaming, holding anger, or beating yourself up- be honest with yourself. What can you do to help yourself? You are not lost, and your goals are not out of reach. You are just stumbling, which is a natural part of life. Rely on those around you when you are feeling down, but know you have everything in you. Life can be overwhelming, don’t hesitate to reach out to the people who love you for support.

Aquarius: January 20- February 18

The three cards that came up for you are; Son of Wands- a card of adventure, The Star- a card of hopes and wishes, and Two of Cups- a card of deep connection. This spread asks you to follow your heart.
October is bringing you an abundance of fun. Everything you have been asking for is sure to flow your way- as long as you are ready to receive. To get in the receptive mode, stay happy… Listen to your intuition and go where it guides you. Of course every experience will not be perfect, because nothing ever is. But it is your job to make the most out of every minute. Be vulnerable and allow yourself to feel. You will make a new friend or lover this month, someone you will share a deep bond with. Open yourself up to others, and be truly yourself. The right person will love every thing about you, so there is no need to worry. Be ready for an adventure, this month will be nothing short of magic.

Pisces: February 19- March 20

The three cards that came up for you are; Six of Swords- a card of hope, Ten of cups- a card of radiant energy, and The Magician- a card of self empowerment. This spread asks you to recharge and take action.
A surge of power is headed your way. If you have felt drained or trapped in an uneasy situation, that time has come to an end. You are finally moving on, left with an amazing feeling of hope and excitement. You are abundant in energy and creativity in this moment, so take advantage of it. This is time to expand on your ideas and start your new projects. Whatever you create from this place of bliss will prove to be successful, but most importantly, fulfilling. You will be acting out of a place of pure authenticity this month, and others will be drawn to your effortless positivity. This is a time to be extroverted, to express yourself, and share your presence with others.


5 responses to “October 2017 Tarot Reading Horoscope”

  1. Thank you so much, Atumn! I’m feeling exactly like this! I’m capricorn and this post was the final thing for me discover what’s going on inside me! Love you and thank you always! ♥

  2. What a gift you have been given! Spot on as usual. So much love and appreciation for you beautiful soul xx

  3. I was never into astrology/tarot readings but I’m an Aries, and the cards definitely fit me this month.
    1. Temperance- a card of healing — just had gallbladder surgery yesterday
    2. Father of Wands- a card of charisma — starting a new per diem job and meeting all new staff
    3. Seven of Swords- a card of self interest –after full time school and full time work, I’m taking it slower.

    1. SO glad this could resonate!! <3 Good luck with your new job, Im sending you love & healing energy.

      1. You’re very sweet, wishing you the same!!

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