November Tarot Reading Horoscopes

Aries: March 21- April 19

The three cards that came up for you are; Three of Swords- a card of confusion, Six of Pentacles- a card of growth, and Three of Wands- a card of empowerment. This spread asks you to focus on yourself, your personal needs.

You are someone who puts a lot of time and effort into other people, your relationships, and other groups you engage with. You may hold some level of value with in your ability to make others happy.. This month should be about you. It is good to be selfless, but trying to please others above yourself will only lead to destruction.  In order to thrive you need to spend time on yourself. What is bringing you genuine joy? Put more energy on that. When you abandon YOU to focus on others, it does everyone involved a disservice, especially you! Inner growth and empowerment should be your goal right now. Get to know yourself more- spend time grounding in nature, journaling, and mediating.

Taurus: April 20- May 20

The three cards that came up for you are; Two of Pentacles- a card of balance and change, The Tower- a card of change, and Wheel of Fortune- a card of destiny & change. This spread asks you to be authentic, follow your heart.

There is clearly a huge change coming up in your future. It is natural to feel a little bit scared during uncertain times, but do not worry- you are carried. You are headed in the right direction, you are on your soul path. Do not full back, do not second guess yourself. Some changes are unavoidable, and this is one of them. Keep yourself grounded during this time by meditating, and taking plenty of time to relax. Make time to get outside, and allow yourself to unwind. This is an opportunity for so much growth and personal expansion. Be proud of yourself, you are doing beautiful things.

Gemini: May 21- June 20

The three cards that came up for you are; Daughter of Swords- a card of honesty, Five of Pentacles- a card of worry, and The Sun- a card of vitality. This spread asks you to nurture yourself.

How often are you honest with yourself and your needs? This spread wants you to take more time for yourself, your soul, and spirit! Release your worries, because they are not serving you in this present moment. All you have is this, now. Focusing your attention on things that make you happy is going to be your salvation. Journal your emotions, take some time to reconnect with yourself. It can be easy for us to lose our voice in the chaos of our day to day life, but its time to hear yourself again. Spend time alone. Be outside, really soak up the sun and allow it to heal you from the inside out.

Cancer: June 21- July 22

The three cards that came up for you are; Judgment- a card of forgiveness, Four of cups- a card of discontentment, and Eight of Swords- a card of feeling trapped. This spread asks you to forgive yourself and heal.

There is only so much you can do in every situation. The masculine energy has ruled the world for a long time, urging us to be in action mode all the time. This leads to depletion, and your energy levels are ruining low. If you find yourself feeling dark or “not quiet yourself,” it is a sign for you to look within, and make some changes. You hold the power to let go. You are the only person that can choose to move on, walk away, and create more for yourself. If you are feeling stuck, or powerless, you need to take some time for introversion. Be still, rest, and ask your heart what it is you need. Pray, meditate, call upon your guardian angels, and act out of a place of love for yourself. Your path will present its self once you choose to forgive yourself and align with your truth.

Leo: July 23- August 22

The three cards that came up for you are; Six of Pentacles- a card of contemplation, Two of Swords- a card of blocked vision, and Seven of Wands- a card of inner strength. This spread asks you to be honest with yourself.

Decisions are an interesting concept, especially when there doesn’t seem to be a black and white solution. This is when you really have to look into yourself, and allow your spirit to guide the way. The ego can be loud, but we have to tune it out. Pure choices based in love will always come from the soul, so quiet your mind. Reconnect to nature, and spend some time alone. If you can let go of what you think you know, answers will flood in, and they will becoming straight from the source. What you want and what you need for growth are not always the same thing. Honor that.

Virgo: August 23- September 22

The three cards that came up for you are’ Three of Wands- a card of future development, Mother of Wands- a card of vibrant and determined energy, and Nine of Wands- a card of stamina. An all Wand spread!! Pure magic. This spread asks you to look inward and be your own guide.

There is only room for expansion this month. You are working hard, for yourself. This is beautiful, and one of the best things you can do for not only you, but the world! Your personal growth is utmost important. Spend time to really get to know who you are! You have been through a lot, and it is time to allow those wounds to heal. You got you now. There is no need to rely on those you once did, because they no longer serve you on this path. This marks the end of an old chapter. Tie up loose ends, and move forward. There is nothing but good vibes headed your way.

Libra: September 23- October 22

The three cards that came up for you are; The Star- a card of hopes and wishes, Eight of Swords- a card of feeling powerless, and Six of Swords- a card of hope. This spread asks you to stay positive.

Things do not always turn out as we expect them too.. But that does not always mean it is bad. Maybe this situation didn’t turn out as magical as you had hoped, but there is still a silver lining. Don’t allow yourself to get sucked into the dark, there is always light at the end of the tunnel. If you feel like your heart got you into this situation, it will get you out of it, too. When you are feeling stuck and unsure, look to your spirit guides and angels for help. Quiet your mind and talk to your soul. Your intuition will guide you through this.

Scorpio: October 23- November 21

The three cards that came up for you are; Six of Pentacles- a card of prosperity and growth, The Hierophant a card of seeking knowledge, and Justice- a card of karmic decisions.

Abundance is flowing to you, and it is no surprise sense we have entered Scorpio season! You are really thriving, and looking to continue your expansion. Do not be afraid to join a class that has been calling to you, or reach out to those that inspire you. There is so much to be gained from those who are masters in the field you are drawn to. Don’t be afraid to be bold, very yourself, and very generous. This uplifting spirit can be passed to those who enter your life. Stay aligned with your truth, your morals, and be authentic. You do not need to sacrifice who you are to be successful, success is natural you. Anything but your truth will only hinder your growth.

Sagittarius: November 22- December 21

The three cards that came up for you are; Father of Swords- a card of detached energy, The sun- a card, and The Emperor- a card of stability. This spread asks you to ground yourself.

Feeling a little bit up in the air, this is time for you to reconnect.. To center yourself. Spend as much time outside as possible, soak up fresh air, and really let go of the outside world. If you have found yourself being overly involved emotionally, you need to reel it in. You cannot control everything, you cannot make everyone happy, and you do not need to! All you need to do is be your grounded self. Meditation and down time are crucial for you right now. You need to stay centered in order to be truly stable. Stability is a state of being, not an outside action. Heal yourself by listening to what your body is asking for. Your intuition is strong, now take some time to listen.

Capricorn: December 22- January 19

The three cards that came up for you are; Four of Wands- a card of completion, Daughter of Swords- a card of honesty and insight, and Father of Pentacles- a card of entrepreneurial energy. This spread asks you to continue on your path.

Your path has been unfolding beautifully, and you are reaping the benefits of following your heart. This month, simply keep doing what you have been. Be gentle on yourself through the growing portions of the process, and continue to allow your ideas to manifest. You have a lot of clear insight right now, use it to your advantage. Act on the visions you receive, they are coming from your intuition.. you have the power to create beautiful things- the world needs your magic.

Aquarius: January 20- February 18

The three cards that came up for you are; The Herophant- a  card if seeking knowledge, Ten of Cups- a card of vibrant energy, and Four of pentacles- a card of control. This spread asks you to define your idea of abundance, and stay true to that.

You are in alignment with an expansive, powerful energy. Allow yourself to soak up the benefits and really enjoy this abundance. This type of energy brings you closer to your intuition and guides, so listen closely. What are you being called to do? Is there a new avenue you are wanting to explore? Find a teacher and let yourself be inspired. Let go of your attachment to success, and just be. Abundance comes in many forms, and sometimes the best experiences are those that have no financial value. Living is about growth, happiness, and being present. Do not sacrifice these things for the illusion of financial security. You are carried. Let go and explore.

Pisces: February 19- March 20

The three cards that came up for you are; Nine of Pentacles- a card of a happiness, Mother of Swords- a card of perception, and Mother of Wands- a card of vibrant energy. SO much feminine energy in this spread!! This spread asks you to stay tuned in.

Abundance has become your state of being. You have found a rhythm to your life that allows you to flow with ease. Rest is an important part of this process, honor that. Tap into your divine feminine and continue to create. Spend time with your art, in whatever form you feel called to play. Allow yourself to surrender in the present moment, do not take anything seriously. Be yourself, speak your truth, and allow yourself to shine. An extensive time of healing is coming to an end. You are home in yourself… And that is so powerful.





2 responses to “November Tarot Reading Horoscopes”

  1. So grateful for this. It fitted exactly right ♥

    1. So glad it resonated love 💜💜💜

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