The Creatrix

Dancing in the power & Divine language of the full moon.
mama moon, Luna the Goddess of darkness, knows how to shine.

she knows how to charge.
She has been preparing me, aligning me, and giving me (a Sagittarius sun with a Sagittarius midheaven) what I need to finally make my move. She gave me this beautiful Sagittarius full moon to break free.
ahooo Goddess, here I am.

The Creatrix is an archetype I am committing myself to. I want to wallow in the profound, strong & fiercely wild energy of the Women who gives life.

I am that women with 100 new ideas a day. I want to create this, I want to talk about that, I want to devote myself to X, Y, & Z!!!!
But really, I seem to constantly have a new project I want to start, and through this, nothing seems to get done.

I find myself playing with the Fertile Energy of the Creatrix, with so much potential for birth & new life.. But that is where I let myself stop.
There is some kind of blockage between my beautiful, lush ideas and my ability to over see them.
Can I  become, embody & live in the Mother energy? The Nurturer? The Care Giver?
How do I make this work?

I am committing fully to the Creatrix.

I am committing fully to Myself.

Ideas are pouring from my fingertips waiting for life to give them breath.

The Creatrix embodies every step of the life giving process.
The Idea.
The Execution.
The Planting.
The Sewing.
The Birth.
The Care Giver.
The Growth.
The Patience.
The Diligence.
The Flourishing.
The Reaper.

She creates the idea, the process, the growth, the success.
The creatrix flows through each phase. She over sees each phase with love, patience & wild untamed authenticity.

I am ready to embody the Magik & Medicine the Creatrix has to offer.

I invite you to play in her energy, Lets create sisters!!

Lots of Love & Blessings,

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