Aloha!! Happy New Year <3

I cannot believe we are entering a new year. But oh man, I am ready!
This past year has been insane, as I know it was for many people. The past few months in particular have been full of transitions & lots of shedding. Letting go of what no longer serves, in order to make room for all of the magick 2019 has in store!
Which is perfect & right on line with this months theme: MANIFESTATION!

We are going to be focusing on allowing, receiving & calling in. The art of manifesting has many different aspects. Two things we are going to look at is; the law of attraction (LOA) and the law of vibration (LOV). As well as a few other fundamental pieces. Last month we worked with vibration. Hopefully you have a solid understanding of how vibration affects us, but also how we can affect our own vibration. This is key in manifesting, because we have to vibrate at the same level as whatever it is we are wanting to manifest. We have to be in control of our own energy, period.
To gain control of our energy, we have to spend time focusing on self awareness. Meaning, becoming really tuned into our internal realm.

To manifest like a mad woman, or man, is to really be in your power.
Be on top of your mental game.
Consistently meditating.
Connecting to Source.
Feeling good.
Letting go.

To begin this month, and kick off the new year, I want you to answer a few questions & set some Intentions. Grab your journal & dive in.

How do you want to FEEL this year?

What do you want to create?

What does your ideal day look like?

How are you ideally spending your time?

What is happiest version of yourself doing?

What color do you feel like represents the energy you want this year?

From here, list 3 things you can begin committing yourself to this year that will help you achieve the feeling you are wanting to call in. Preferably things that can be done on a daily or regular basis.

Take these intentions & allow them to boil. This month you can expect a member only podcast episode about manifesting fast & easy, a work sheet to help you sort through blocks you may have, a ritual to call in the things you want, a visualization guided meditation, and more!

This is going to be a super fun & powerful month, so make sure you set your Intentions & open yourself up to the endless possibilities.

Talk Soon!

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