April Tarot Horoscopes

Aloha beautiful people,
I wanted to start the spring season off by reintroducing the Tarot Horoscopes! If you are new to my content, this is something that used to be on my blog about 2 years ago!! I am super excited to bring this back. I am feeling re-inspired by tarot and want to share the medicine of the oracle with you all.
To create each horoscope, I pull a card for the energy of each zodiac sign asking the question “what energy will impact ‘zodiac sign’ this month?” And then Intuit a message for each sign.


The card that came up for you is 6 of cups. This card calls us to reflect on our roots, everything that happens below the surface. What has influenced you in this life? How can you learn & grow even stronger from integrating these lessons? 6 of cups can indicate a time of embodying the joyful nature of a kid. Invoking the inner child with in & looking at life through that lens. Allow things to be wonderful and playful.


The card that came up for you is 8 of Swords. This card comes to you with a message that is specif and sharp. There is a turning point on the horizon. You are trapped, either in your head or beliefs, and they are no longer serving you. It can be easier to fall into the victim mindset of feeling wrong or that things are unfair.. and maybe they are! But this card asks you to look at the bigger picture: You are the only one who can change your own mind. Perspective is everything. Even if you are hurt; how can you help yourself now?


The card that came up for you is the Queen of Cups. This card comes to you with the energy of the Creatrix. The Queen of Cups knows her emotions. She runs towards her feelings, embracing everything that keeps her soft and fluid. You are being asked to embrace your nurturing and creative side. Allow yourself to play in the realm of creation. Spend time pampering yourself and nursing your creative energy.


The card that came up for you is 8 of Pentacles. This card holds the energy of building & refining. Perfecting technique & becoming a master at something you love. You are being called to dive into a passion, and allow yourself to really master it. You have to believe in your ability to be a master, and to commit to your craft. Listen to your heart & the ideas that are calling you. Let yourself evolve and step into your fullest potential.


The card that came up for you is 10 of Cups. This card holds very expansive & vibrant energy. It is calling you to embrace the positivity and natural up swing in energy and allow it to guide you. Surrender to the beauty & abundance that surrounds you. Let go of what you think you need to change. Let your optimism take over! When you can access this powerful, radiant energy you begin to attract everything you need.


The card that came up for you is the lovely major arcana card Temperance. Temperance holds the energy of balance, asking you to remain calm and centered as you move through life. As you enter April, you are being guided my Temperance. Trust your unfolding path while continuing to work on bringing more peace into your life. Be easy, gentle, and calm. Make more time for meditation, breathing, and being in nature.


The card that came up for you is the Hanged Man. This card carries the powerful energy of surrender. Sometimes in life there is nothing we can do but let go & allow things to smooth themselves out. We can stand in the way with our egos and faults, but this only makes things more painful. The hanged man asks you to be unattached. Let nature run its course, and learn from it. Be active in the process of growth while being detached from your expectations.


The card that came up for you is 2 of Swords. This card comes to you to offer you perspective. You are not seeing things or an aspect of a situation clearly, and it may require you to step a way from a while. Change up your view point, get out of our head, and clear your mind. Once you get out of your own way you will be able to move forward with more ease. But until you see things more clearly, and receive information from your heart instead of your head, it’s best to retreat for a time.


The card that came up for you is Queen of Pentacles. This Queen does it all, she takes care of the family and provides the income. She is responsible and hard working. But this card invites in the energy of self care. Balancing responsibility with play. Being light and steady. She holds an abundant energy, implying financial success. Celebrate yourself! You are doing amazing.


The card that came up for you is 7 of Wands. This is a beautiful card, that offers the energy of inner strength. This card asks you to look to our inner fire, and be guided by what you know is right. Do not look outward or turn to others. Trust what you are feeling. Listen to the truth. You are your best council at this time. Listen to your heart. Don’t second guess your judgment. Be brave, even if you feel scared. You are guided.


The card that came up for you is 9 of Wands. This card calls you to embody your most confident energy. As you are finishing up a cycle, take time to reflect & find strength in your process. You have dons so much amazing work. You have come so far. Do not let insecurity or doubt hold you back now. The more you believe in yourself the more inspired to persevere you will be. Stamina is your medicine, let the process be easy.


The card that came up for you is 4 of Wands. This card signifies completion and celebration. It invites you to reflect on your hard work and be proud of what you have achieved. Look what you have done, especially in terms of making big moves/changes, and celebrate it. Do not question your worthiness. Be open to receiving. This prosperous time is yours to experience, it is part of the natural flow. Be open to its medicine.

2 responses to “April Tarot Horoscopes”

  1. Thank you for this, Autumn ❤️ I‘m a Taurus and your message came just at the perfect timing.

    1. Autumn Brianne Avatar
      Autumn Brianne

      grateful to serve you goddess!! <3

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